D. Rubin, S.Isaacman, A.Long
March 17, 2005.

Dependence of luminosity on vertical alpha* (SCMATING 1)


We compute the dependence of luminosity on SCMATING 1 (alpha *). We find that a 1% change in alpha* corresponds to a 10% change in specific luminosity, and that the optimum luminosity is achieved for Delta(alpha*)=0.01, (and not 0).

SCMATING 1 calibration

SCMATING 1 is a group element that varies quadrupoles near the IR to shift the beta minimum longitudinally. A change of 1 unit in SCMATING 1 corresponds approximately to Delta alpha* ~ 1. The shift in the position of the beta minimum is Delta(s)=(alpha)(beta*). If beta*=0.012m, then 1 unit of SCMATING 1 => Delta(s) = 1.2cm, etc.


All calculations are in the standard cesr-c 12 wiggler lattice hibetainj_20040628_v01.lat


The model is defined as follows:


Alpha* is computed for the positron beam after all beambeam interactions are incuded, beams are in collision and tunes are set. The correspondence between alpha* and the value of the SCMATING 1 command is nominally one to one in the design lattice. In our model we find that the slope is unity but that there is a significant offset as shown in the plot


The dependence of luminosity on SCMATING 1 is shown here We find that the luminosity peaks for a SCMATING 1 command of 0.01 or a shift in alpha* of 0.01, and that the 0.01 shift in alpha corresponds to a 10% change in luminosity. Exploration of the dependence of luminosity on alpha on a coarser scale indicates that the peak at alpha=0.01 is unique.